Sustainability Policies

Sustainability Policies

EMPORIA DMC is genuinely concerned about respecting the welfare of local communities and the environment by committing to the provision of tourism services to our customers in a responsible manner and based on the application of ICONTEC Standard NTS-TS 003.

We practice sustainable tourism not only to protect the Earth today, but also so that many future generations can enjoy our planet as we do today. At the same time, we foster a positive, inclusive and creative work environment for our employees and suppliers.

We participate in sustainable development programs that promote the efficient management of water, energy, solid waste, the dissemination and protection of biodiversity and cultural heritage, as well as local development, always thinking of minimizing the negative impact on our environment, based on Colombian legislation, and working together with our customers and suppliers to achieve this through training and awareness plans for the continuous improvement of the system.

  1. Comply with Colombian legislation and with the current regulations that apply to us.
  2. Comply with the quality and customer service policy.
  3. Comply with the Occupational Health and Safety policy.
  4. Disseminate good sustainability practices to our stakeholders.
  5. Promote the purchase of products manufactured in the country.
  6. Commitment and use of sustainable practices to work under a sustainability model that causes the least possible impact on the environment.
  7. Ongoing training of all personnel in sustainability issues, so that all employees are well informed and oriented in the sustainable management of the company.
  8. Proper waste management and management of water and energy savings
  9. Commitment, evaluation and prioritization of the company's suppliers that have a program, standard or certification that identifies them for their sustainable tourism practices.
  10. Actions will be developed to benefit vulnerable local communities.
  11. We will work to protect and reaffirm the values of the natural and cultural attractions that define us as the Country of Beauty, a country that practices sustainable and responsible tourism.